Sunday, August 29, 2010

Free Stroller

Used Graco stroller.  Blue and green plaid design.  Very neutral for either boy or girl.  It's a little older, but still in good shape.  We just got a double for our two kids and don't need this one any more.  Call Marianne Petersen at 208-351-6539 if interested.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Welcome to the Blog!

This blog is for all the members of our community and church ward who want to do things that are not church related. We have this blog mostly because of the council to not spend time in church announcing good things that don't necessarily have to do with the gospel. Also, we think it's a good idea. If you have something you would like to post (barbecues, movie night, things you have or need), simply email

Big, fat disclaimer: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in no way linked to or responsible for this blog. If you don't like it, you'll have to take that up with someone else. Also, please do not sell or solicit anything. If you want to go in on a bountiful basket or need a ride somewhere and help pay for gas, that is different. Just don't do anything to "get gain." If you send emails with things you are selling, we will probably not post them, and you will likely receive a strongly-worded reminder that includes a painful description of your facial features. Furthermore, this is not a good place to report, or accomplish, your home/visiting teaching. That you must do in person, my friend. An example of a good post would look like this:

Thursday nights at 7 we want to play soccer at Smith park, so far about 5 people are interested and we need at least 3 more. Rides available. If you are interested call Joe at 555-555-5555. 


Baby Clothes
We have extra baby clothes we want to give away. Boy, size 12 months. Please email Jane at ... you get the idea.

Purely informational posts with things like:

The Kohler's epitomize the word awesome and thusly should be given more cookies.

will also be posted.

Please give a title to your post so that things can be found easily.

Also, feel free to post new baby pictures (only if you are the parents).
Birthday shout-outs are also welcome, but don't be offended if yours isn't on there. In fact, just don't be offended period.

We will also post activities that the church is putting on because everyone is invited to those, regardless of your religious background. However, and this goes for everybody, please come fully clothed and refrain from smoking as there are usually small children and pregnant women present.

Last, we'll try to keep this updated, so check it often to keep up with the goings-on in the neighborhood.