Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Furniture Needed

If you have extra furniture, please call Bishop Kohler 208-569-0536. There are some families that need something to sit on, eat at, etc. It's fine if you just want to loan something too.

Public Dance Classes

There are a series of adult dance classes offered in the community Monday and Saturday nights. Monday night at 8 is a hip hop class (co-ed) and Saturday at noon is a ballet class (girls only, I think). The cost is $15 a month (no matter how many classes you take). If interested call Glenda at 208-716-0041. If you just need a ride, call Rebeckah 509-539-3985. Rides are free.

Friday, September 17, 2010

A few babysitters needed

Can anyone help babysit for another ward's date night? It's at our church building September 23rd from 6-8pm. Of course if there are no kids, you can just go home. They need about three or four people. Call Rebeckah if you are able to help. 509 539 3985